Fun Easy Games To Play With Your Cat

Fun Easy Games To Play With Your Cat

Spend quality time with your furball this weekend?

Here are some ideas for games to try out:

  1. Crumpled paper

If you don't have any toys on hand you can crumple up some paper into a ball and let your furball chase it or bat it with their little paws. 

  1. Fetch 

Choose a soft, lightweight toy like a little mouse or a ball to throw across the room and see if kitty will fetch it. If kitty brings it back to you, reward them with a treat!

  1. Paper bag or cardboard box 

Cats never so no to this! Lay the box or bag on its side and watch kitty play inside it! Don't do this with plastic because it's a safety hazard. But cardboard or paper are fine for kitty and great fun! Extra: place several boxes together to create an obstacle course!

  1. iPad game  

Look on Youtube and you'll find lots of games designed for kitties to play with. Watch them paw at the screen and try to catch the moving mouse or prey. So adorable!

  1. Ball of yarn   

This is a classic. Cats just love to chase a ball of string or yarn, the longer the better! You can tie something to the end of it like a feather or a little bell to give them a point to focus on. Awwww! 

And if you run out of fun and clever games to play, we have tons over at the store. Click the button below to check them out!

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